Biennial Update

Call now to file your Biennial Update

Understanding Biennial Update

The Biennial Update, often referred to as MCS-150 form, is a mandatory biennial information update mandated by FMCSA. This requirement is essential for private, exempt for-hire, and for-hire carriers. This mandated requirement entails an accurate data submission every two years based on the last two digits of your USDOT Number.

The frequency of filing is dictated by the next-to-last digit of your USDOT number: odd-numbered years for odd digits and even-numbered years for even digits. The final digit determines the month of filing: 1 for January, 2 for February, and 0 for October. Ensuring adherence to the biennial MCS-150 filing is crucial, even if your business has encountered no significant operational changes since the last update or if your operations have ceased it is important to file the Biennial Update on time.

Filing Requirements and Key Details

While brokers and freight forwarders are exempt from MCS-150 filings. Those with an active USDOT number must prioritize timely submissions. There are currently no exemptions for those with a USDOT number that are private, exempt for-hire, for-hire, or Ag-exempt motor carriers. Additionally, a USDOT number no longer in use must file an “Out of Business” update deactivating the number in the FMCSA database. Even if your business has not changed since the last filing it is crucial to your company’s compliance to file the MCS-150 form accurately and on time.

Certain events that may happen outside of your scheduled time to file can trigger the need for an MCS-150 Edit to be filed. These events include adding new vehicles to your fleet, changing your company’s name, changing your company’s address, or making significant organizational alterations. Ensuring that your submitted information accurately reflects your current business status at all times is vital to maintaining compliance and avoiding potential penalties. You risk being fined $1,000 per day up to a maximum of $10,000 and FMCSA can deactivate your USDOT number when these compliance requirements are not met. Even minor errors or discrepancies in the information submitted can potentially disrupt your compliance status and lead to penalties. Proactive vigilance in regularly updating and reviewing your records for accuracy is vital.

Impact of Compliance and Necessary Updates

Adhering to FMCSA regulations through timely and accurate MCS-150 filings is critical for motor carriers to remain compliant and operational within the trucking industry’s regulatory framework. By fulfilling these requirements, your motor carrier business remains compliant and operational. Consistent compliance not only upholds legal obligations but also safeguards your business reputation and operational continuity. Your compliance status directly influences your business’s standing within the industry so proactive vigilance in regularly updating and reviewing your records for accuracy is vital.

DOT Compliance Group serves as a reliable partner in your compliance journey, offering comprehensive support beyond filing assistance. Our commitment extends to providing guidance on best practices and ensuring your compliance strategy aligns with the latest regulatory standards. Partnering with us empowers your business to meet FMCSA requirements for your Biennial Update but also ensures that your business stays up to date with evolving regulations, minimizing risks, and maintaining a strong compliance standing.