Ensuring Accurate VMT Reporting

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Understanding VMT Outdated

When filing your biennial update, one crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed is the accuracy of your “Vehicle Miles Traveled” (VMT) data. Overlooking this detail can result in your USDOT number being flagged as “VMT outdated” in the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration’s (FMCSA) database. This seemingly minor oversight can have significant consequences for your operations. The most immediate consequence is being flagged as “VMT outdated” in the FMCSA database. This status indicates that the reported VMT information is not current, potentially leading to increased scrutiny of your safety and compliance records. To avoid these consequences, it is crucial to prioritize the accurate reporting of VMT during your biennial update. This involves filing the required MCS-150 form and providing precise information about the total mileage of all your commercial vehicles.

Importance of Accurate VMT Data

Accurately reflecting your mileage is of paramount importance as it directly influences the calculation of essential metrics such as Crash Indicator Behavior Analysis and the percentiles for Unsafe Driving and Safety Improvement Categories (BASICs). These metrics play a pivotal role in determining your Safety Measurement System (SMS) scores. Any inaccuracies in this information can skew these scores, potentially portraying your fleet in a less favorable light than it deserves. This, in turn, can result in increased insurance premiums, impacting your operational costs. Insurance providers often use SMS scores and other safety metrics to assess the risk associated with insuring a trucking operation. Inaccurate or outdated VMT data may result in the perception of higher risk, leading to increased insurance premiums or challenges in securing favorable insurance terms.

Failing to update this data can also create an inaccurate representation of your operation’s safety profile. This can have broader implications, affecting your ability to secure contracts, partnerships, or maintain a positive reputation within the trucking industry. Trucking companies with a strong safety record and compliance standing are often preferred by shippers, clients, and partners. Failing to update VMT and resulting in unfavorable SMS scores may affect your eligibility for certain contracts and business opportunities. Maintaining accurate VMT data is not just a regulatory requirement but also a business strategy to remain competitive in the industry.

Furthermore, regulatory agencies may consider your safety and compliance history, including VMT reporting, when evaluating applications for new authorities or permits. Failure to update VMT can create challenges in obtaining approvals for expansions, new routes, or additional operating authorities.

Resolving VMT Outdated Status with MCS-150 Form

To rectify the VMT Outdated status of your USDOT number, it is imperative to file the MCS-150 form, as mandated by the FMCSA. The MCS-150 form is designed to capture essential information, including carrier mileage. When completing the form, report the total mileage of all your commercial vehicles for the previous 12 months, rounding to the nearest 10,000 miles. If your operations span less than 12 months, ensure to report the mileage to date accurately.

Neglecting to update your VMT during the biennial update can have wide-ranging consequences, from regulatory penalties to operational disruptions and reputational damage. By prioritizing accurate and timely reporting of the MCS-150 form and ensuring the accuracy of your VMT data, you not only fulfill regulatory requirements but also safeguard your SMS scores and maintain favorable insurance premiums. Regularly reviewing and updating essential information demonstrates safety and regulatory compliance, positioning your company positively within the competitive landscape of the trucking industry.

Our guidance through updating your VMT will ensure that you not only meet regulatory requirements and compliance with FMCSA regulations but also ensures that your business stays up to date with evolving regulations, minimizing risks, and maintaining a strong compliance standing contributing to the overall success and sustainability of your trucking business.